Procurement Services

Procurement & Payment Services

Get Help Here

PPS One Help is now live - this is your one stop shop for all questions related to Payment and Procurement Services


Supplier registration

Supplier registration is through invitation only and will remain open until March 31, 2025 or until full. More information will be sent to all Exhibitors after registration closes. 

USF attendee RSVP

All USF employees, faculty, research students and Guests of USF are invited to attend this no cost event. 


Registered suppliers

Only AFTER you have registered, give us the last bits of information we need by completing our Exhibitor Survey.

The mission of Procurement and Payment Services is to support the University of South Florida in achieving its goals by providing strategic procurement solutions and quality, efficient and cost-effective services in a professional, courteous, and service-oriented manner.  We strive to accomplish this in collaboration with our internal and external partners while acting in accordance with applicable Federal regulations, Florida State statutes, and Board of Governors and USF policies and regulations.


Click on the image to be taken to information about Accounts Payable, Travel and Supplier Management


PPSOneHelp is Now Live!

PPSOneHelp is a consolidated single entry point to all general questions related to Procurement, Sourcing, Contract, Payables, P-Card and Travel Services.  Click on the image to be taken to the help request form. 


Want to learn more about buying as a Bull?
Enroll for Procurement 101 and get all the info on the regulations and policies governing purchasing at USF. 


Missed our latest newsletter?
Catch up and learn about preferred suppliers, keep up with best practices and stay in the "know" about changes to systems and buying. 


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and stay up to date on news from PPS by subscribing to USF Purchasing ListServ. and checking our News & Announcements page