About Us
USF Testing Services is an NCTA Certified Test Center. We have undergone a significant self-assessment to show that we meet the criteria to be identified by NCTA as a certified test center.
The National College Testing Association (NCTA) is a non-profit organization of testing professionals working in post-secondary institutions, in companies with test-related products and services, and in other professional testing venues
The mission of the Florida Association of College Test Administrators (FACTA) is to enhance professional growth and communication among test administrators employed by regionally accredited postsecondary institutions in the State of Florida.

The Consortium of College Testing Centers (CCTC) is a referral service provided by the National College Testing Association (NCTA) to facilitate distance learning. The purpose of the CCTC is to make test administration services available to students away from their campuses, particularly at educational institutions. Visit the CCTC website to find a consortium participant.