
Precautionary Boil Water Notice

The drinking water system that supplies the buildings highlighted in blue on the map below has been interrupted due to repair work that resulted in a loss of pressure.

Potable service area map with highlighted buildings

Therefore, as a precaution, we advise that all water used for drinking or cooking be boiled. A rolling boil of one minute is sufficient. As an alternate, bottled water may be used.

This PRECAUTIONARY BOIL WATER NOTICE will remain in effect until a bacteriological survey confirms that the water continues to be safe to drink.

If you desire any further information, please feel free to contact USF Environmental Health & Safety at (813) 974-4036 or the USF Facilities Management Service Center at (813) 974-2845.

Boil Water Notice Information

What is a boil water notice? 

A boil water notice is issued to protect consumers when there is potential and/or confirmed contamination of the drinking water by microorganisms that can cause illness (i.e. germs or pathogens). Common reasons for a boil water notice include loss of pressure in the water distribution system, loss of disinfection, and other water quality concerns caused by other events such as water line breaks, power outages, floods, etc. 

How long does a boil water notice last? 

After the system is repaired, per regulatory requirements, the campus must complete two (2) consecutive days of passing bacteriological testing to ensure that the system is safe for consumption in order to return to normal operation.  
For more information view the Florida Health department FAQ about boiled water noticing.