Joshua M. Scacco, Associate Professor
The Ubiquitous Presidency: Presidential Communication and Digital Democracy in Tumultuous Times is the latest addition to the Digital Politics series from Oxford University Press. Written by Joshua M. Scacco, Associate Professor in the Department of Communication, and Kevin Coe, Professor of Communication at the University of Utah, the book shines a light on current trends in U.S. presidential communication that predate former president Donald Trump and will continue long after President Joe Biden.
The book also explores the historical and contemporary evolution of presidential communication practices, presents a framework for researchers and readers to make sense of past and future strategic messaging from the White House, assesses media coverage and public attitudes toward changes in presidential outreach, and offers a set of ways that key institutional and individual actors (e.g., government leaders, journalists, social media companies, citizens) can hold presidents accountable for their words.
Given the scrutiny and attention afforded to the amount and tone of outreach from the White House, the book sparks a timely conversation about the extent to which contemporary presidential communication fits or bends the boundaries of American democracy.
The Ubiquitous Presidency is now available from Oxford University Press.