Thomas Hallock, Professor of English at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg campus, recently published his book titled "Road Course in Early American Literature: Travel and Teaching from Atzlán to Amherst". Hallock starts with a twin question: how does travel teach us a place, and how can literature deepen our understanding of a place? His book, which combines both personal narrative and traditional scholarship, uses the innovative approach to explain what he sees as the continued value of the American literature survey in our times.
“A Road Course in Early American Literature is a deeply, original, brilliant, entertaining book, brimming with the author’s enthusiasm
for his subject—American writing from the conquest of Tenochtitlan to the end of the
Civil War—and for what he has learned in decades of teaching.”
—Christoph Irmscher, author and Director, Wells Scholars Program at Indiana University
An accompanying bibliographic essay is periodically updated and available at Hallock’s website: www.roadcourse.us.