CAS Chronicles

Messer Family Award gives the gift of beekeeping
Kenneth Gay is named the Messer Family Award recipient, providing him one year of beekeeping classes at the USF Botanical Gardens.
November 17, 2023Alumni, Community Engagement

Monique D. Hayes pioneers a legal legacy as a University of South Florida alumna
Monique D. Hayes is a distinguished business attorney who has made an impact in the legal profession. Among her numerous achievements, her most notable is as an alumna of the University of South Florida.
November 17, 2023Alumni, Community Engagement

School of Information faculty and graduate develop statewide cyber intelligence assessment for Florida's critical infrastructure
School of Information faculty and alumnus were tapped by Cyber Florida to provide threat/intelligence risk assessment for Florida’s critical infrastructure.
November 16, 2023Research

Urban Food Sovereignty Summit focuses on strides to improve food systems in urban communities
The Urban Food Sovereignty Summit showcased new strides being made to advance food sovereignty in urban communities and brought together community members and partners to share their solutions for advancing more sustainable and equitable food systems.
November 16, 2023Community Engagement, Events, Research

The Zimmerman School at USF honors two Tampa Bay Times journalists for excellence in environmental journalism
The Zimmerman School at USF honors Tampa Bay Times journalists Zachary Sampson and Langston Taylor as recipients of the Waldo Proffitt Award for their excellence in environmental journalism in Florida.
November 16, 2023Accomplishments, Community Engagement

New Center for Sustainable Democracy to create research opportunities for students
Center for Sustainable Democracy is established within the College of Arts and Sciences under the leadership of Professor Joshua Scacco.
November 15, 2023Community Engagement

Zimmerman School professor shares study on how rural journalists and public relations practitioners navigate the boundaries of their careers
Dr. Mildred “Mimi” Perreault and her colleagues conducted a study exploring how rural journalists balance their responsibilities with the increasing influence of public relations practices when reporting information to their communities.
November 15, 2023Accomplishments, Research

Chemistry department hosts exciting experiment at MOSI to celebrate National Chemistry Week
The USF Chemistry Department held a free experiment with the help of six undergraduate volunteers. The experiment demonstrated a captivating chemical reaction for participants.
November 14, 2023Community Engagement

IDEx team 3D scans Holocaust artifacts to create an interactive museum experience
The Institute for Digital Exploration has assisted the Holocaust Documentation and Education Center (HDEC) in Dania Beach, Fla. by 3D scanning hundreds of artifacts and digitizing tens of thousands of documents for a brand new ‘Interactive Learning Center’ smart table experience.
November 14, 2023Community Engagement, Research

Learning in nature about American wilderness thinkers
To cap a semester learning about thinkers who revolutionized our understanding of nature, Professor Rebecca Johns took her class on a camping trip. Exploring, journaling and reflecting on course readings, students spent the day and evening at Boyd Hill Nature Preserve.
November 14, 2023Research

Milestone celebration marks the School of Information's 50th anniversary
The School of Information celebrates 50 years. Alumni, faculty, and students gathered for a memorable evening to reflect on the program’s achievements and future goals.
November 13, 2023Accomplishments, Events

Paying tribute to Black history within Tampa’s historical Memorial Park Cemetery
The USF Living Heritage Institute's Black Cemetery Network invited the community for a day of remembrance, research, art, and fellowship at Tampa's Memorial Park Cemetery.
November 13, 2023Community Engagement, Events, Research