Juan Pablo Arroyo
PhD Student

M.A., Biological Anthropology, Biocultural Medical Anthropology concentration, University of South Florida
B.A. Health Education (Public Health), Medical Sciences Campus of the University of Puerto Rico
Dr. Lorena Madrigal
My main research interests include maternal psychosocial stressors during pregnancy, offspring early-life exposure to stressors, developmental plasticity, and developmental programming of chronic diseases. I seek to understand how ecological and psychosocial stressors, such as different forms of social inequality, influence growth and development, physical performance, reproductive success (evolutionary fitness) and health outcomes throughout the life course, in human and non-human primates.
My dissertation research involves studying a social group of rhesus monkeys, to examine relationships between maternal social status (i.e., dominance-rank, aggression, and affiliation), offspring fetal developmental instability (i.e., digit ratios and bilateral asymmetry), and postnatal growth. For future research I would like to expand my current analyses of social-behavioral and morphometric data, to include histological and gene expression data (e.g., skeletal muscle and adipocytes), as well as data on biomarkers of cardiometabolic health.
Arroyo JP. 2020. Maternal Social Status, Offspring 2D:4D Ratio and Postnatal Growth, in Macaca mulatta (Rhesus Macaques): University of South Florida (Ph.D. Dissertation).
Gonzalez MJ, Miranda-Massari JR, Duconge J, and Arroyo JP. 2014. Chronic Diseases as Inborn Errors of Metabolism: The Metabolic Correction Therapy Approach. International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine 2(1).
Arroyo JP. 2013. Exploring Potential Risk Factors of Fetal Origins of Diabetes: Maternal Stressors during Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes among Women in a Hospital in the Municipality of Caguas, Puerto Rico: University of South Florida (Master’s Thesis).
Batai K, Babrowski KB, Arroyo JP, Kusimba CM, and Williams SR. 2013. Mitochondrial DNA Diversity in Two Ethnic Groups in Southeastern Kenya: Perspectives from the Northeastern Periphery of the Bantu Expansion. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 150(3):482-491.
ANT 2511L - Biological Anthropology Laboratory (Instructor); ANT 4468 - Biocultural Basis of Health and Disease (TA), ANT 2511 - Biological Anthropology (TA), for Dr. Lorena Madrigal; ANT 4516 - Human Variation (TA), for Dr. David Himmelgreen