
Heide Castañeda

Professor and Associate Chair


Office: SOC 123


  • Ph.D., Anthropology, University of Arizona
  • MPH, Public Health, University of Texas
  • MA, Anthropology, University of Texas at San Antonio


Research Design & Proposal Writing, Anthropological Theory Today, Anthropology of Health Policy, Theory in Medical Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, Health & Medical Systems, Global Health from an Anthropological Perspective


Legal anthropology, medical anthropology, Mexico, Germany, Morocco

Current Projects

  • "Migrant Communities: Effects of Demographic Characteristics on Placemaking under Uncertain Timelines" (funded by the National Science Foundation Award # 2149059)
  • "Mixed-Status Families and Citizenship in the Contemporary Migration Experience" (funded by the National Science Foundation Award # 1535664 & the Wenner-Gren Foundation)
  • "Legal Status and the Social and Emotional Well-Being of Young Adult Immigrants" (funded by the National Science Foundation Award # 1729396)
  • "Amazigh Diaspora in the United States"

Recent Publications


Select Articles & Chapters

Graduate Students

Rachel Kingsley, Amanda Leppert Gomes, Laura Parada Perla, Mahir Rahman, and Augusta Herman