Carrie LeGarde
PhD Student

- M.A., Forensic Anthropology, University of Montana
- B.A., Anthropology, Forensic Anthropology Option, University of Montana
- B.A., Biology, Human Biology Option, University of Montana
ANT 2511 Introduction to Biological Anthropology.
Research interests
Current research interests include health and nutrition, specifically vitamin D. Previous research has focused on the resolution of commingled human remains and skeletal asymmetry.
- Winburn, A. P., Rubin, K. M., LeGarde, C. B., & Finlayson, J. E. (2017). Use of qualitative and quantitative techniques in the resolution of a small-scale medicolegal case of commingled human remains. Florida Scientist, 24-37.
- Byrd J.E., LeGarde C.B. 2014. Osteometric Sorting. In: Adams B.A., Byrd J.E. (eds). Commingled Human Remains: Methods in Recovery, Analysis, and Identification. Academic Press. San Diego, CA. pp 167-192.
- Jin, J., Burch, A. L., LeGarde, C., & Okrutny, E. (2014). Chapter 19 - The Korea 208: A Large-Scale Commingling Case of American Remains from the Korean War. In Commingled Human Remains (pp. 407–423). Elsevier Inc.
- Bongiovanni, R., LeGarde, C., & Minetz, J. A. (2013). Quality assurance, correction factors, and formulae for osteometric boards and mandibulometers. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 58(3), 842-844.