Lorena Madrigal

Office: SOC 143
- Ph.D., Anthropology, University of Kansas
- M.A., Anthropology, University of Cincinnati
- B.S., Anthropology, University of Utah
Professional Experience
- Biological seat. AAA executive board. 2014-2017
- President of the AAPA. 2011-2013.
Biological Anthropology, Human Variation, Human Evolution, Human Biology of Caribbean Groups, Seminar in Physical Anthropology, Anthropological Genetics, Quantitative Methods, and Advanced Quantitative Methods.
Biological Anthropology, Bio-Cultural Anthropology, Population Genetics, and Human Biology; Costa Rica.
Specialty Area
Dr. Madrigal is interested in human microevolution, and has used demographic and population genetics approaches towards understanding it. Most of her work has taken place in Costa Rica. In collaboration with her colleagues from the Universidad de Costa Rica, Dr. Madrigal has collected data on living subjects and traced their maternal genealogies, in many cases for several centuries. With this data set, Madrigal and colleagues have presented a strong challenge to the grandmother hypothesis, which seeks to explain the evolution of post-menopausal longevity in humans. Madrigal et al. have also done work with populations of African and East Indian descent in Costa Rica. The broad interest of this project has been to trace the evolution of these communities, whether by gene flow, genetic drift, etc. In addition, Madrigal and collaborators are studying the cardiovascular health of these two communities, within the context of the economic development of their region.
Recent Journal Article
- Reyes, L., Godfrey, D. Ming, L. J., MacLean, C., Gonzalez, F. J., Madrigal, L. American Journal of Human Biology. LOI: 10.1002/ajhb.23567. The distribution in native populations from Mexico and Central America of the C677T variant in the MTHFR gene. 2021.
- Sabrina Guimarães Paiva, Carolina Carvalho Gontijo, Raquel Carvalho Gontijo, Lorena Madrigal, Maria de Nazaré Klautau-Guimarães, Silviene Fabiana de Oliveira. (2020). Migration in Brazilian Afro-descendants’ communities: a new approach to illustrate the meaning of contemporary Quilombo. Revista da Associacao Brasileira de Pesquisadores/as Negros/as (ABPN). 12(32):188-208.
- Carroll Flansburg, MA, MPH, Christina M. Balentine, BS, Ryan W. Grieger, MS, Justin Lund, MA, Michelle Ciambella, BS, Deandre White, BS, Eric Coris, MD, Eduardo Gonzalez, MD, Anne C. Stone, PhD, and Lorena Madrigal, PhD. 2019. Fetal Hemoglobin Modulators May Be Associated With Symptomology of Football Players with Sickle Cell Trait
- H Huang, KBH Clancy, C Burhance , Y Zhu and L Madrigal. 2015. Women who deliver twins are more likely to smoke and have high frequencies of specific SNPs: results from a sample of African-American women who delivered pre-term, low birth weight babies.
- Loredana Castrì (posthumously), Donata Luiselli, Davide Pettener, Mauricio Melendez-Obando, Ramón Villegas-Palma (posthumously), Ramiro Barrantes, Henrieta Raventos, Reynaldo Pereira, Lorena Madrigal. 2014. A Mitochondrial haplogroup is associated with decreased longevity in a historic New World population. Human Biology.
- Madrigal L., Loredana Castrì (Posthumously) , Mauricio Melendez-Obando, Ramon Villegas-Palma, Ramiro Barrantes, Henrieta Raventos, Reynaldo Pereira, Donata Luiselli, Davide Pettener, Guido Barbujani. 2012. High mitochondrial mutation rates estimated from deep-rooting Costa Rican pedigrees. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 148 (3): 327–333. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.22052
- Lorena Madrigal, Jeffrey Brady, Michelle Raxter, Ernesto Ruiz, Flory Otarola and Mwenza Blell. 2011. Obesity, hypertension and migration: A meta analysis of populations of the South Asian diaspora. Human Biology. Volume 83(1): 71-86.
- Castri, L; Madrigal, L; Melendez-Obando, M, et al. 2011. Mitochondrial Polymorphisms Associated with Differential Longevity Do Not Impact Lifetime-Reproductive Success. American Journal of Physical Anthropology;23(2):225-227.
- Lorena Madrigal, Jeffrey Brady, Michelle Raxter, Ernesto Ruiz, Flory Otarola and Mwenza Blell. 2011. Obesity, hypertension and migration: A meta analysis of populations of the South Asian diaspora. Human Biology. Volume 83(1): 71-86.
- Loredana Castri, Mauricio Melendez-Obando, Ramon Villegas-Palma, Ramiro Barrantes, Jetty Raventos, Reynaldo Pereira, Donata Luiselli, Davide Pettener , Lorena Madrigal. 2009. Mitochondrial polymorphisms are associated both with increased and decreased longevity. Human Heredity. 67 (3): 147-153.
- Madrigal, L. and Melendez-Obando, M. 2008. Grandmothers' longevity negatively affects daughters' fertility. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 136:233-229.
- Madrigal L and Kelly W. 2007. Human skin color sexual dimorphism: A test of the sexual selection hypothesis. Reply. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 133 (1): 780-781.
- Loredana Castrì , Flory Otárola, Mwenza Blell, Ramiro Barrantes, Donata Luiselli, Davide Pettener, Ernesto Ruiz and Lorena Madrigal. 2007. Indentured migration and differential gender gene flow: the origin and evolution of the East-Indian community of Limón, Costa Rica. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 109 (2): 330-337
- Madrigal L, Ware B, Hagen E, Blell M , and Otárola F. June, 2007. The East-Indian diaspora in Costa Rica: Inbreeding avoidance, marriage patterns and cultural survival. American Anthropologist. 109 (2): 330-337.
- Madrigal L and Kelly W. 2007. Human skin color sexual dimorphism: A test of the sexual selection hypothesis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 132:470-482.
- Madrigal L and T. Koertvelyessy. 2003a. Epidemic cycles in agricultural populations: A cross-cultural study. Human Biology. 75(3) PDF
- Madrigal L, B. Ware and M. Melendez. 2003. Widow and widower remarriage in a rural 19th Century Costa Rican population: a cross-cultural discussion. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 122(4):355-360.
- Madrigal L, J. Relethford, and Michael H. Crawford. 2003. Heritability and anthropometric influences on human fertility: A path analysis. American Journal of Human Biology. 15:16-22.
- Madrigal L, B. Ware, R. Miller, G. Saenz, M. Chavez and D. Dykes. 2001. Ethnicity, gene flow and population subdivision in Limón, Costa Rica. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 114:99-108
- Madrigal L, G. Saenz, M. Chavez, and D. Dykes. 2001. The frequency of twinning in two Costa Rican ethnic groups: An update. American Journal of Human Biology. 13:220-226
Graduate Students
Raymond Blair, Fiona Felker, Courtney Johns, Caroline MacClean, and Amanda Malerba.