Mahuya Pal
Associate Professor
Office: CIS 3036
Dr. Mahuya Pal is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication. She is currently the Editor of the Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, published by the National Communication Association.
Dr. Pal’s research program explores organizational communication through the perspectives of communities around the world. She places her work within the broader context of contemporary global issues, including the economy, culture, and the environment. Her research has been published in Human Relations, Communication Monographs, Communication Theory, Communication, Culture & Critique, Management Communication Quarterly and elsewhere. Her co-edited book received the Outstanding Book award from the Organizational Communication Division at the National Communication Association.
She has delivered a number of keynotes and invited lectures on organizational leadership and change.
Dr. Pal is the former chair of Organizational Communication Division, National Communication Association. She serves on editorial boards of Communication Monographs and Management Communication Quarterly among others. She has served as associate editor of Journal of Applied Communication Research.
Organizational Communication, Culture, Structure, Agency