Abigail Lee
Assistant Professor
Office: CPR 387
Abigail Jinju Lee researches race and Asian American film, TV, and literature, centering Asian American feminist politics of solidarity. She holds a PhD from UNC-Chapel Hill and an MFA in poetry from UNC-Greensboro. Her current book project examines the relationality of Asianness and Blackness through three key sites: cultural representations of the convenience store, the college campus, and the freeway, using TV series such as Kim’s Convenience, Grown-ish, and Dear White People alongside novels and film. The knotted past, complex present, and possible futures of Asian American solidarity with Black liberation are entangled in these sites. This project argues that Asian American feminist opacities, radical solidarity, and abolitionist politics offer important possibilities for reimagining the grounds of Asian American politics and culture.
Her research and teaching interests include sci-fi and Asian American speculative futures, poetry, experimental film, and studies of the prison-industrial complex. She has published articles on the experimental time-space of Black Atlantic short story cycles and the politics of satire and racial ambiguity in the TV series Atlanta and the Charles Yu novel Interior Chinatown.