David Lewis
Associate Professor

Tampa campus
Office: SCA 328
Lab: SCA 337, SCA 101
Phone: (813) 974-8108
Email: davidlewis@usf.edu
Academic Profile
Specialty Area | Recent Publications | ||
Ecosystem Ecology and Biogeochemistry | David Lewis |
Ph.D., Limnology and Marine Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2000
MS, Oceanography and Limnology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996
BA, Biology, University of Kansas, 1994
I study the transport and transformation, in the biosphere, of carbon (C), nitrogen
(N), and other ecologically important elements. I investigate how land management,
hydrology, and biology influence the load and concentration of various molecular forms
of these elements in surface waters and groundwater. My studies also test the hypotheses
that soil C and N immobilization in stable and labile (easily mineralized) pools respond
to contemporary and historic land management, and to ecosystem successional status
and species composition. This understanding is important because immobilization in
stable pools regulates land-water and land-atmosphere exchanges of these elements.
My research is informed by the ecological principles of scale, legacies, landscape
position, and disequilibrium. I also have a background in community ecology, and remain
interested in understanding factors that regulate biodiversity and mediate species
interactions. My research habitats grade from relatively unmanaged to intensively
human-dominated, and my colleagues and I are beginning a new program to study the
social drivers and ecological outcomes of water redistribution.