University of South Florida

School of Information

College of Arts and Sciences

USF iSchool News

Responsive Librarianship Lab Research Makes Top 10 on SSRN

Researchers in the USF School of Information Responsive Librarianship Lab (RLL) have posted their initial findings on Social Science Research Network (SSRN), an open access research platform used to share early-stage research, evolve ideas, measure results, and connect scholars around the world. RLL addresses key challenges at the intersection of people, information, and technology in multidisciplinary ways with a vision that drives our research to impact the everyday lives of our community. Using evidence-based methodologies grounded in the Social Sciences and computational tools from the Digital Humanities, researchers at the RLL have created a unique, four-track text-based therapy scheme that provides real results for library users.   

One of the lab's papers, Visualizing Bibliotherapy: Applying a Mixed-Methods Approach to Collection Development Using Digital Tools, was recently listed on SSRN's Top Ten download list for the InfoSciRN: The Information & Library Science Research Network.

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