Cell Culture

The USF Tissue Culture Facility provides a state of the art environment for managing cells in culture. This includes being able to store cells in our cryogenic repository and receive in house training for basic to advanced protocols in the maintenance and manipulation of cultured cells. We are BSL-2 certified and can assist you with various types of transduction procedures including those that involve Adenovirus, Retrovirus and Lentovirus. We typically work with researechers that need a contained space to with infectuouos substances and will assist you in completing your Registration Document for the Use of Infectious Agents and Biological Toxins. See a sample below from a previous study. Our facility houses all the equipment and reagents needed to procure cell lines including a fluorescent microscope, an oversized laminar flow hood and autoclaves. To find out more about pricing or to arrange a training consultation email us. For more information on the culturing of mammalian cells visit