Richard Manning
Associate Professor
Office: FAO 247A
J.D. Northwestern, 1985; Ph.D. Northwestern, 1992. Joined the USF Department in 2007. Prior to this he taught at Carleton University and Ohio University, and has held visiting positions at the University of Victoria, Georgetown University, The Johns Hopkins University and the University of Oregon. His research is centered around an interest in the relation between norms, especially epistemic norms, and the natural; this interest has led to publications on a wide range of figures and topics, including Spinoza, Kant, Davidson, McDowell, Rorty, epistemology, philosophy of language, philosophy of biology and aesthetics. This work has appeared in such publications as The British Journal for Philosophy of Science, Philosophia, The Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Inquiry, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, and The Cambridge Companion to Rationalism. Manning is past president of the Florida Philosophical Association. His research interests have recently turned towards the topic of epistemic justice. Professor Manning has been active in faculty governance, having served as chair of the CAS Faculty Council for the 2010-2011, and as a Senator and Officer of the USF Faculty Senate since 2017.