
Daniel Griffin

Daniel Griffin

Assistant Professor


Office: PCD 4137



Dr. Daniel Griffin is an assistant professor in the psychology department. He earned a Dual Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology and Computational Mathematics from Michigan State University. As a Ph.D. student he was awarded the prestigious National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship for his work studying team-resilience and using mathematical models to build a framework for studying team performance in human-agent teams. Dr. Griffin is fascinated by studying how effective leadership, social connection, and an overall sense of group identity/community impacts a team. Though generally applicable to other team contexts, his substantive research focuses on studying team coordination, cohesion, and performance in high-stakes situations including military, emergency response, and space exploration teams.


  • 2023     Michigan State University: Dual Ph.D. – Organizational Psychology &                                            Computational Mathematics
  • 2020     Michigan State University: M.A. – Organizational Psychology
  • 2017     Utah State University: B.S. – Psychology
  • 2017     Utah State University: B.S. – Mathematics


Dr. Griffin Lead the T.A.C.T.I.C.S. (Technology, Adaptation, Coordination, and Training, in Interdependent Complex Systesm) Lab which studies the development of effective team systems, focused primarily on using team interdependence, coordination, and leadership to augment team performance. Using a network-based paradigm to understand how teams function, Dr. Griffin’s work leverages various advanced analytical techniques in these pursuits including multi-level statistics, machine learning, harmonic analysis, and social network analysis. He specializes in developing formal mathematical/ computational models of team processes.

For example, in one project Dr. Griffin studies the impact of interdependence and communication in a multi-team cross-university simulation of a military Command and Control task. In another project, he is studying communication and coordination processes within the context of professional video gaming teams.

Dr. Griffin’s research has been funded by various sources including the Army Research Office (ARO) and DevCom, the Army Research Institute (ARI), the Office and Naval Research (ONR), and Negotiation and Team Resources Institute (NTR).

T.A.C.T.I.C.S. Lab logo




Pychological Research Methods, Social Network Analysis, Computational Modeling




Somaraju, A. V., Griffin, D. J., Olenick, J., Chang, C. H. D., & Kozlowski, S. W. (2024). A dynamic systems theory of intrateam conflict contagion. Journal of Applied Psychology.

Griffin, D., Somaraj, A., Dishop, C., & DeShon, R. (2023) Evaluating Interdependence in
Workgroups: A Network-Based Method. Organizational Research Methods.

Somaraju, A. V., Griffin, D. J., Olenick, J., Chang, C.-H. (D.), & Kozlowski, S. W. J. (2021). The dynamic nature of interpersonal conflict and psychological strain in extreme work settings. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.

Griffin, D., Heinrich, W., (2021) Supporting a Merger of Entrepreneurship Curricula: Combining Organizational Frames and Theory of Change. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy.