

Assistant Professor of Instruction

Email: martynk@usf.edu
Office: SOC 236

Curriculum Vitae

Specialty Areas:
Environmental Policy & Sustainability
Urban Affairs
Civic & Community Engagement

Courses Taught:
URP 4052: Urban Planning & Sustainability
URP 6100: Planning Theory & History
URP 6401: Planning for Resilient Communities
URP 6406: Urban Environmental Policy
URP 6422: Environmental & Planning Issues in Coastal Communities
URP 6940: Internship in Urban & Regional Planning

Kevin Martyn is Assistant Professor of Instruction in the School of Public Affairs at the University of South Florida. Previously, he was a visiting faculty member at the O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, and a Senior Associate with the Indiana University Public Policy Institute (2019-2022). His work examines how economic, environmental, and social inequities tend to manifest as spatial phenomena, particularly in cities. In recent years, this has included extensive community-engaged research projects conducted in both Indiana and Florida. At USF, he teaches courses in urban sustainability, coastal resiliency, civic engagement, GIS, and more.

Dr. Martyn holds a PhD in Geography (2020), an MS in Environmental Science and Policy (2016), and graduate certificates in both Geographic Information Systems (2019) and Environmental Policy and Management (2019) – all from the University of South Florida. He previously completed his undergraduate studies at American University in Washington, D.C. In his free time, he enjoys running, swimming, biking, hiking, and/or just plain old traveling to places where he can read a good book and imagine the many ways in which a better world is possible.

Recent Publications:
Martyn, K.P., Andel, S., Stockman, M. Rhebeca N., & Grommon, E. (2021). Decarceration from local county jails during the Covid-19 pandemic: A closer look. Corrections: Policy, Practice & Research, DOI: 10.1080/23774657.2021.1978905.