Undergraduate Programs

Political Science Internship

The Political Science Internship Program is designed to allow undergraduate majors to participate in experiential learning and/or civic engagement in a public policy field that compliments the student’s political science curriculum. The Internship Program allows students to engage in public service while developing their knowledge of the public policy process. The benefits associated with experiential learning are numerous and include: the application of knowledge acquired in the classroom to real world situations, improved critical thinking, leadership, and communication skills, increased awareness and understanding of community issues, and improved civic engagement. An internship is also a wonderful way to gain valuable work experience prior to graduation.

Participation in the program is open to all political science majors with a major GPA of 3.0 or higher. An application for admission must be submitted and approved prior to the initiation of an internship. Students are responsible for securing their own internships placements.

Students should meet with their Political Science Advisor to discuss how the credit may work towards degree requirements. Credits generally work towards Political Science Major Electives. Students are generally limited to using 6 credit hours of internships towards Political Science elective credits. Exceptions can be made for some programs that have more credits built into their structure.

Students pursuing an approved internship are eligible for three (3) POS credits for 15 - 24 hours of work per week for the duration of the semester.

Students with 25+ hours of work per week are eligible for six (6) POS credit

Pre-Internship Forms

Political Science Internship Application   Political Science Internship & Career Guide

Post-Internship Forms

Political Science Internship Student Evaluation
Political Science Internship Supervisor Evaluation


Manu Samnotra, Associate Professor