Honors Students Centerstage: The Money Tower
TheatreUSF Honors Program presents The Money Tower.
TheatreUSF presents the 2014 Theatre Honors Production, The Money Tower, based on the experimental theatre of the The Living Theatre from the 1970s.
Dates: April 21 & 22, 2014, TAR 120

"To call into question who we are to each other in the social environment of the theatre, to undo the knots that lead to misery, to spread ourselves across the public's table like platters at a banquet, to set ourselves in motion like a vortex that pulls the spectator into action, to fire the body's secret engines, to pass through the prism and come out a rainbow, to insist that what happens in the jails matters, to cry "Not in my name!" at the hour of execution, to move from the theatre to the street and from the street to the theatre. This is what The Living Theatre does today. It is what it has always done."
-- Julian Beck