Nathaniel Hartmann

Associate Professor
Campus: Sarasota-Manatee
Room: C234
Phone: 941-359-4339
Nathan Hartmann is an associate professor and research fellow in the School of Marketing and Innovation and serves as a senior researcher for the newly created Center for Marketing and Sales Innovation. He teaches basic marketing at the undergraduate level and marketing management at the graduate level.
Much of his research focuses on improving sales force effectiveness. He collaborates with companies to examine issues regarding salesperson performance, turnover, compensation, training, use of technology and virtual selling, among others. He is also interested in customer-related outcomes (i.e., satisfaction, loyalty, profits), and sales manager activities and outcomes. His other research interests include various topics in marketing strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship.
His research has appeared in the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Service Research, Journal of Product Innovation Management and the Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, among others. He was honored with the Shelby D. Hunt/Harold H. Maynard Award that recognizes the authors of the work in the Journal of Marketing that made the most significant contribution to marketing theory within the calendar year. His interviews and research have been featured in the media, generating millions of impressions.
Hartmann earned a PhD and MBA from Purdue University.
- MAR 3023 - Basic Marketing
- MAR 6815 - Marketing Management
Habel, J., Hartmann, N.N., Wiseman, P., Ahearne, M., and Vaid, S. Sales Pipeline Technology: Automated Lead Nurturing (Forthcoming). Journal of Marketing.
Habel, J., Kadić-Maglajlić, S., Hartmann, N.N., de Jong, A., Zacharias, N.A. and Kosse, F. Neuroticism and the Sales Profession. (2024). Organizational Behavioral and Human Decision Processes, 184(September), 1-19
Hartmann, N.N., Wieland, H., Brandon, G., and Habel, J. (2024). Research on Sales and Ethics: Mapping the Past and Charting the Future. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 52, 653-671.
Hartmann, N.N., Chaker, N., Lussier, B., Larocque, D., and Habel, J. (2024). A Theory of Sales System Shocks. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 52, 261-283. *Lead Article.
- Hochstein, B., Chaker, N., Rangarjan, D., Nagel, D., and Hartmann, N.N. (2021). Proactive Value Co-Creation via Structural Ambidexterity and the Modularization of Frontline Roles. Journal of Service Research, 24(4), 601-621.
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Lussier, B., Hartmann, N.N., and Bolander, W. (2021). Curbing the Undesirable Effects of Emotional Exhaustion on Ethical Behaviors and Performance: A Salesperson-Manager Dyadic Approach. Journal of Business Ethics, 169, 747-766. ABDC A* Journal Ranking | FT50 Journal.
Hartmann, N.N., and Lussier, B. (2020). Managing the Sales Force through the Unexpected Exogenous COVID-19 Crisis. Industrial Marketing Management, 88 (July), 101-111.
Hartmann, N.N., Wieland, H., and Vargo, S. (2018). Converging on a New Theoretical Foundation for Selling. Journal of Marketing, 82 (2), 1-18. *Lead Article.
- Wieland, H., Hartmann, N.N., and Vargo, S. (2017). Business Models as Service Strategy. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45 (6), 925-943. ABDC A* Journal Ranking | FT50 Journal.
- Lee, R.P., and Chen, Q., and Hartmann, N.N. (2016). Enhancing Stock Market Return with New Product Preannouncements: The Role of Information Quality and Innovativeness. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 33 (4), 455-471.
For additional published articles, see Google Scholar here.
- Editorial Review Board Member for Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, and Industrial Marketing Management.
- Edited special issues in the Journal of Service Research, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, European Journal of Marketing, and Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing.
- Regular contributor of expert insights via media interviews and speaking engagements.