Doug Hughes

Professor, Director - School of Marketing and Innovation
Room: BSN 3233
Phone: (813) 974-6215
Fax: (813) 974-6175
Doug Hughes is professor of marketing and director of the School of Marketing & Innovation. He began his full-time duties in 2019, coming from the Michigan State University's Broad College of Business. There, he was a faculty member for 11 years, serving as chair of the Marketing Department for the last three years. Hughes leverages over two decades of corporate experience in marketing, sales and general management, having worked as CEO of a business services firm and as a senior executive in both marketing and sales at Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies. He also has consulted for a variety of firms across multiple industries.
Hughes taught undergraduate, master's and doctoral-level courses as well as executive-education seminars in both marketing and sales management and has received several national and university teaching awards, including the AMA McGraw-Hill/Irwin Sales Teacher of the Year Award, the Provost's Teaching Excellence Award and the Sales Excellence Institute Teacher of the Year Award.
He has published research in a number of highly regarded journals, including the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Journal of Retailing, and the International Journal of Research in Marketing, among others. His research interests center on managerial issues in marketing with an emphasis on salesperson motivation, sales-force management, brand relationships and the marketing-sales and sales-service interfaces.
Hughes earned a PhD from the University of Houston, an MBA from Michigan State University and a bachelor's degree in marketing from the University of Tennessee.
- Good, Valerie, Douglas E. Hughes, and Hao Wang (2021), “More Than Money: Establishing the Importance of a Sense of Purpose for Salespeople,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, forthcoming.
- Schrock, Wyatt, Douglas E. Hughes, Clay Voorhees, Yanhui Zhao, and John Hollenbeck (2021), "Self-oriented Competitiveness in Salespeople: Sales Management Implications,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, forthcoming.
- Bolander, Willy, Cinthia Satornino, Douglas E. Hughes, and Gerald R. Ferris (2015), “Social Networks within Sales Organizations: Their Development and Importance for Salesperson Performance,” Journal of Marketing, 79 (6), 1-16 (lead article). Winner of 2016 AMA Excellence in Sales Research and Ronald Copeland Best Paper Awards.
- Hughes, Douglas E. (2013), “This Ad’s for You: The Effect of Advertising Perceptions on Salesperson Effort and Performance” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 41 (1), 1-18 (lead article).
- Rapp, Adam, Dhruv Grewal, Lauren Beitelspacher, and Douglas E. Hughes (2013), "Understanding Social Media Effects Across Seller, Retailer, and Consumer Interactions,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 41(5), 547-566. Winner of Emerald Citation of Excellence Award.
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- Hughes, Douglas E., Joel Le Bon, and Adam Rapp (2013), Gaining and Leveraging Customer-Based Competitive Intelligence: The Pivotal Role of Social Capital and Salesperson Adaptive Selling Skills,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 41 (1), 91-110.
- Hughes, Douglas E. and Michael Ahearne (2010), “Energizing the Reseller’s Sales Force: The Power of Brand Identification,” Journal of Marketing, 74 (4), 81-96. Winner of 2011 AMA Excellence in Sales Research Award.
- Ahearne, Michael, Adam Rapp, Douglas E. Hughes, and Rupinder Jindal (2010), “Managing Sales Force Product Perceptions and Control Systems in the Success of New Product Introductions,” Journal of Marketing Research, 47 (4), 764-776.
- Fu, Frank, Keith Richards, Douglas E. Hughes, and Eli Jones (2010), “Motivating Salespeople to Sell New Products: The Relative Influence of Attitudes, Subjective Norms and Self-Efficacy,” Journal of Marketing, 74 (6), 61-76.
Editor-in-chief, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 2016-2019
Area editor/ERB member, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2010-16
Reviewer for Journal of Marketing and numerous other academic journals, 2010-present
Co-founder, MSU Strategic Sales Institute and Sales Leadership Program with undergraduate education, research and executive education components, 2009-19
Co-founder, CXM@MSU (ongoing customer experience management outreach initiative)
Conference co-chair, American Marketing Association Summer Educators Conference, 2015
Faculty Coach of two national champions at the National Collegiate Sales Competition and of three national champion teams at the National Team Selling Competition