John Jermier

Room: BSN 3214
Phone: (813) 974-1752
Fax: (813) 905-9964
John M. Jermier is a professor in the School of Information Systems and Management where he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in organizational theory and behavior, corporate environmentalism and environmental policy, and the measurement of organizational change and effectiveness. He also serves as a professor of sustainable enterprise research in the Patel College of Global Sustainability.
Jermier's current research is focused on environmental sustainability, the "greening" of organizations, critical management studies, and qualitative and quantitative methods for organizational research. His most recent publication is “Theoretical perspectives on organizations and organizing in a post-growth era” (Organization, 2020). Jermier has authored or co-authored numerous articles, book chapters, books, research monographs and other scholarly works and he has served on the editorial review boards of several of the field’s top journals. He is the founding co-editor and past-co-editor of the high impact journal, Organization & Environment.
He earned a PhD, an MBA and a master's degree from The Ohio State University and a bachelor's degree from the University of Wisconsin.
MAN 6055 Organizational Behavior and Leadership
MAN 6746 Designing Sustainable Enterprise
MAN 4743 Response of Business to Global Environmental Problems
Jermier, J. et al. (2020), “Theoretical Perspectives on Organizations and Organizing in a Post-Growth Era. Organization, 27(6): 1-21.
Nicolopoulou, K., Karatas-Ozkan, M., Janssen, F. & Jermier, J., (2017), "New Research Directions for Sustainable Entrepreneurship," Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation. London: Routledge. Pp. 5-21.
Jermier, J.M. & Forbes, L.C., (2016), "Metaphors, Organizations and Water: Generating New Images for Environmental Sustainability," Human Relations, 69 (4): 1001-1027.
Jermier, J.M., (2013), "Corporate Environmentalism and the Greening of Organizations: General Introduction to the Six Volumes," Corporate Environmentalism and the Greening of Organizations. London: Sage Publications. Pp. xxxi-liv. (Vol. 1).
Jermier, J.M. & Koehler, J. “Effects of a Lean and Green Management Initiative on the Culture of the United States Air Force.” Research Grant, US Air Force Office of Scientific Research, $775,000.
Editorial review board member, Administrative Science Quarterly, Human Relations, Organization, Organization Science, Leadership Quarterly, Leadership, the Journal of Management, the Journal of Workplace Rights, Journal of Management and Sustainability, Sustainability Journal, among others.
Founding Editor and Editor or Co-Editor, Organization & Environment
Member, Academy of Management; International Association for Business and Society; American Psychological Association; American Sociological Association; European Group for Organization Studies
Chair, Professional Development Workshops, Organizations and the Natural Environment; Social Issues in Management, Critical Management Studies of the Academy of Management