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Finance Professor Dan Bradley receives a Fulbright Core Scholarship; Heading to Portugal Next Year
By Keith Morelli

TAMPA (Jan. 23, 2017) -- Dan Bradley, a professor of finance in the University of South Florida's Muma College of Business, was awarded a Fulbright scholarship in January and becomes the fourth Muma business professor since 2015 to be honored with the prestigious Fulbright core scholarship and the fifth to be recognized by the auspicious program.
"It's an honor to be awarded a Fulbright," Bradley said. "They are extremely competitive. I hope that it can help expand the USF brand on an international level."
His assignment will be at the Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE) Business School in the University Institute of Lisbon in Portugal, from May-August 2018.
"The award is primarily research-based," Bradley said. "I will be giving some seminars and working with their doctoral students and faculty. Ideally, there will be joint collaboration with the faculty or students on a research project.
"Portugal, and ISCTE specifically, was attractive to me because I was invited there in 2009 to give a talk at a conference they were hosting," he said. "I was impressed by the caliber of their faculty and students.
"Lisbon also is a wonderful city and I am fortunate in that I get an opportunity to immerse myself in their culture," he said. "The timing also is ideal because my family can join me without disrupting their schooling."
Bradley has some good Fulbright company at the Muma College of Business:
James Stock was the recipient of a Fulbright Distinguished Professor award last year and went to the Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki, Finland, lecturing and doing research on supply-chain sustainability.
- Jerry Koehler was named a Fulbright scholar last year, and will lecture about management in an MBA program for professionals at Belarusian State Economic University in Minsk, Belarus, beginning next month.
- Grandon Gill, as a Fulbright scholar, traveled to the University of Cape Town in Rondebosch, South Africa, in 2015, to teach faculty from various universities how to write case studies and use cases in their classes.
- Stock, Koehler, Gill and now Bradley each was awarded a Fulbright core award; while marketing professor Robert Hooker last year received a Fulbright specialist grant.
Hooker will head to Stockholm, Sweden, to lecture about supply-chain management, do some research about how it's done there and open doors of collaboration. Instead of going to one location for a long time, Hooker's scholarship will allow him to travel to multiple places for two-to-six week intervals over the next five years to assist in specific research projects.
Bradley is one of about 800 U.S. faculty and professionals chosen by the core Fulbright program to travel to 140 countries to lecture, teach and conduct research. Another 400 are selected in other programs, including one Hooker is enrolled in, to share expertise on issues of global interest.
The core Fulbright Scholar Program attracts some 800 U.S. faculty and professionals each year to 140 countries to lecture, teach and conduct research, according to the Fulbright website.
Bradley holds the Lykes Chair in Finance and Sustainability and teaches the Capstone MBA course, integrated business applications, a graduate investment analysis course and a PhD-level empirical finance course. He received the college's research award in 2013.
"Of course, we here at the Muma College of Business know that we have a first-rate faculty focused on the success of their students," said Moez Limayem, dean of the college, "and now, the world is getting to know USF through these capable and deserving Fulbright scholars.
"I'm so proud of these professors, whose incredible talents are making a mark on academia and beyond," he said, "and we all are basking in – and encouraged by – the spotlight that is shining on them. Their academic accomplishments serve to increase the level of respect our faculty has, not only in Tampa, but across the state of Florida, the United States and around the globe.
"In addition, the perspectives that come back with our professors and are presented in the classroom gives students insights of how business is conducted beyond U.S. borders and contribute heavily toward their global literacy."