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Beta Alpha Psi Accounting Chapter Wins Impressive Award at National Conference in California
By Keith Morelli

TAMPA (August 8, 2017) -- The University of South Florida's Beta Alpha Psi chapter was one of 11 chapters worldwide to be recognized as a prestigious Gold Chapter and one of only two chapters to have received the award each year since the award's inception nine years ago.
The accounting chapter of USF's Muma College of Business also has been recognized as a superior chapter for 41 years running – the longest standing superior status in the world.
The competition's results were announced at an annual conference in Anaheim, California, earlier this month. To achieve Gold Chapter status, Beta Alpha Psi members put their multimedia skills to work by creating a five-minute video explaining why their chapter deserves the award.
Winning chapters were awarded $2,500. Accepting the award on behalf of the Lynn Pippenger School of Accountancy were Jordan Ghaemmaghami, John Lindsey, Amber West, Aysel Guveloglu, Kaitlin Richardson, Francis Gelormini and Josh Mastrangelo.
Beta Alpha Psi is an honors organization with more than 300 chapters on university campuses around the world. There have been more than 300,000 members initiated since Beta Alpha Psi's formation 98 years ago when 11 members signed up to form the organization.
"My journey with Beta Alpha Psi started when I joined our chapter as a candidate two years ago," said Guveloglu, the current president of the USF chapter. "From the start, I knew this was an incredible organization and a wonderful opportunity for me to develop myself and meet amazing people.
"As we film the Gold Challenge video each year," she said, "it becomes more and more clear that our chapter does so much for both our members and our community, and we usually face the good problem of not having enough time to fit everything we do into that five-minute video."