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Marketing Professor Jim Stock Named Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
By Keith Morelli

TAMPA (November 28, 2017) -- Marketing Professor Jim Stock's award display case got a little more crowded last month.
The Distinguished University Professor and the Frank Harvey Endowed Professor of Marketing in the University of South Florida's Muma College of Business was one of six USF professors selected as Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The award is considered among the top honors in academic research.
Stock, also a Fulbright Scholar who has taught at the USF since 1989, was elected as an AAAS Fellow in the Social, Economic and Political Sciences Section. He was cited for his "distinguished contributions to the advancement of the field of supply-chain management, particularly for the establishment of the sub-field of reverse logistics."
"I have never done research to become recognized by others; satisfaction in completing research on worthwhile topics of relevance to practitioners and other academicians has always been reward enough," said Stock, whose work in reverse logistics is held up as groundbreaking research around the globe. "To have my research recognized by my peers in the AAAS is extremely gratifying because it signifies that others have found my research relevant and useful.
"Supply-chain management is a field that is gaining ground in the corporate world, with logistics jobs predicted to expand by 25 percent within the next decade," he said. "It is an honor to contribute further to this exciting research field."
Reverse logistics is a sub-field of supply-chain management and Stock's work over the past 40 years has made this field a major focus of research and scholarship around the world. He has authored more than 150 publications, books and college textbooks – with two more books scheduled for publication within the next three years.
His textbooks have been published in several languages, including Chinese, Russian and Portuguese. He has received some of the field's top prizes: two from the International Society of Logistics: the Armitage Medal, which recognizes individuals whose published books and technical papers have improved and increased the general body of knowledge of the science of logistics; and the Eccles Medal, recognizing outstanding achievements in logistics education.
The six USF professors' research projects recognized by the AAAS spanned biology, engineering, chemistry and economics. They join 396 academic researchers – 62 of whom are from USF – who have been honored in the past by AAAS because of their scientifically or socially distinguished efforts to advance science or its applications.
"We are immensely proud of these six professors, who are not only leaders and role models in their respective disciplines but across the USF System community," said Paul R. Sanberg, USF senior vice president for research, innovation and knowledge enterprise.
"To be recognized as an AAAS Fellow is a significant career achievement that honors the profound impact these individuals have in developing new knowledge and advancing the understanding of our world on every level, from the most basic organisms to complex human innovations."
USF ranks fourth worldwide among individual institutions with the most new AAAS Fellows elected – tied with the University of Arizona, University of California-Santa Barbara, University of Oregon, University of Southern California and Florida State University. USF also tied Florida State for the highest number of new AAAS Fellows among institutions in Florida.
Stock is no stranger to awards and recognition.
Aside from the USF Distinguished University Professor award presented to him in 2012, Stock served as the Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Business and Economics at the Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki, Finland during the 2016-17 academic year.
He also has received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Reverse Logistics Association, the Special Life Time Logistics Service Award from Yasar University and the IX International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress in Izmir, Turkey; and the Distinguished Service Award from the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals.