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Accounting Students Win Awards at Beta Alpha Psi Competition

TAMPA (February 22, 2018) -- A team of students from the Lynn Pippenger School of Accountancy returned from a recent regional competition as winners of two prestigious awards.
The USF Delta Gamma chapter of the Beta Alpha Psi honors organization took first place in the "Branding Your Chapter" competition and second place in "Launching into the Next Century" competition in Birmingham, Alabama. The event was sponsored by Beta Alpha Psi.
The USF chapter fielded two teams in the annual best practices competition – presenting PowerPoints on the history of the chapter and the chapter's brand. Jordan Travis, David Corby and Yoni Tamir took home first place in the "Branding Your Chapter" category. Focusing on alumni, committees and Snapchat, the team's efforts will carry them on to the national competition this August.
Brooks Lackmann and Josh Mastrangelo placed second in the "Launching into the Next Century" competition. They delved into the rich history of the Delta Gamma chapter, highlighting its development, alumni and where the chapter is heading.
"USF's representatives also participated in Chapter Operations, an opportunity to learn from others and demonstrate how the chapter runs," said Tamir. "Aysel Guveloglu and Jennifer Luu gave a presentation on how the organization continues to engage the chapter's alumni and foster continued involvement."
The Delta Gamma chapter has been designated as "Superior" for 41 consecutive years and is the only chapter to receive the KPMG Gold Challenge award since its inception.
"The chapter has participated in the best practices competition since before Deloitte began sponsoring the event 12 years ago," Tamir said.
Guveloglu, president of the USF Beta Alpha Psi, said she is "very proud of the unified front represented by the chapter and thankful for everyone who has carried the chapter to where it is today."
Beta Alpha Psi is an honors organization with more than 300 chapters on university campuses around the world. There have been more than 300,000 members initiated since Beta Alpha Psi's formation 98 years ago when 11 members signed up to form the organization.