
image of new muma dean

USF names new Muma College of Business dean

The University of South Florida today announced the appointment of David Blackwell as the new Lynn Pippenger Dean of the Muma College of Business. Blackwell comes to USF after serving as associate dean for professional graduate programs at the University of Kentucky’s Gatton College of Business and Economics.

May 14, 2024Business News

Lan Phan headshot

Student Spotlight: USF junior Lan Phan realizes finance dream of interning at Goldman Sachs in New York City

As a kid, Lan Phan was fascinated by stock trading and building financial models. Today, he is double majoring in finance and econometrics and is spending his summer in New York City interning at Goldman Sachs.

June 12, 2024Business News, Honors and Awards, Spotlights

image of al hevner

Alan Hevner named inaugural Fellow of the European Research Center for Information Systems

Hevner, a USF Distinguished University Professor, is recognized for his lifetime achievements in inspiring and guiding design-oriented research in Europe.

June 10, 2024Business News, Honors and Awards, Research and Innovation

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