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coffee cup graphic with shopping bags Credit: Josie Ford

Put down the coffee: Study finds caffeine drives impulse purchases - NewScientist

It turns out that drinking coffee will unlock Feedback’s wallet faster than rumours of a hot new crypto offering.

June 29, 2022Business News, Research and Innovation

image of students presenting

Pitching with passion? 'More enthusiastic' pitches could turn off investors, study finds

A new study from researchers at the University of South Florida offers entrepreneurs some savvy sales advice: when pitching to investors for funding, a high-octane product pitch with great enthusiasm is a double-edged sword.

June 28, 2022Business News, Entrepreneurship, Research and Innovation

In-store Starbucks location

Can in-store coffee add pep to retail sales? - RetailWire

A new university study finds drinking caffeinated coffee leads shoppers to spend more and purchase more impulse items.

June 28, 2022Business News, Research and Innovation

University of South Florida: A Preeminent Research University

Nursing Home Chains’ Patient Mix, Operational Patterns Linked to Financial and Quality Performance - Skilled Nursing News

Chain-operated nursing homes may want to reconsider how they standardize their operation across the portfolio.

June 26, 2022Business News, Research and Innovation

University of South Florida: A Preeminent Research University

Research examines when nursing home chains should customize or standardize - Mirage News

A new study by a University of South Florida researcher found important revelations that could provide chain-operated nursing homes with crucial implications for operational goals and strategic findings that carry over to other service industries.

June 25, 2022Business News, Research and Innovation

Lu Kong

Study explores when nursing home chains should customize or standardize - invesBrain

A new study by a University of South Florida researcher found important revelations that could provide chain-operated nursing homes with crucial implications for operational goals and strategic findings that carry over to other service industries.

June 24, 2022Business News, Research and Innovation

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

Study explores when nursing home chains should customize or standardize - Medical Xpress

A new study by a University of South Florida researcher found important revelations that could provide chain-operated nursing homes with crucial implications for operational goals and strategic findings that carry over to other service industries.

June 24, 2022Business News, Research and Innovation

Hands on cane Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

Study explores when nursing house chains ought to customise or standardize - The Health News Express

A brand new research by a University of South Florida researcher discovered vital revelations that might present chain-operated nursing properties with essential implications for operational objectives and strategic findings that carry over to different service industries.

June 24, 2022Business News, Research and Innovation

University of South Florida: A Preeminent Research University

Standardization or customization: Study offers managerial insights for nursing home chains’ operational strategies - News Medical

A new study by a University of South Florida researcher found important revelations that could provide chain-operated nursing homes with crucial implications for operational goals and strategic findings that carry over to other service industries.

June 24, 2022Business News, Research and Innovation

image of nursing home

Study explores when nursing home chains should customize or standardize

A new study by a University of South Florida researcher found important revelations that could provide chain-operated nursing homes with crucial implications for operational goals and strategic findings that carry over to other service industries.

June 23, 2022Business News, Research and Innovation

USF Muma College of Business

Drinking Coffee Before Shopping Can Increase Spending - Medscape

Caffeine doesn't just stimulate the senses; it can stimulate a person's impulsiveness when it comes to shopping, according to researchers from the University of South Florida.

June 22, 2022Business News, Research and Innovation

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