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image of ai changes at usf muma graphic

USF Muma College of Business to roll out enhanced AI-focused business curriculum this fall

The goal is to ensure that every business student understands AI tools and how to use them, whether as an internal AI user or an expert in the field, as AI continues to expand its footprint into the business industry and job market.

May 31, 2024Business News

Step inside USF’s new A.I. lab USF business students are now able to use artificial intelligence to learn how to better market messaging and products to consumers. Jennifer Kveglis reports.

USF College of Business unveils state-of-the-art A.I. lab - Fox 13 Tampa Bay

Students and faculty at the USF Muma College of Business can now utilize groundbreaking technology at the first of its kind Behavioral A.I. Lab.

January 25, 2024Business News, Research and Innovation

image of behavioral ai lab

USF expands artificial intelligence research with new business lab

The lab will provide research opportunities for students and faculty to explore the implications of artificial intelligence.

January 25, 2024Business News, Research and Innovation

Poca Wander Stock/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Survey: How AI Is Impacting Students’ Career Choices - Inside Higher Ed

Similar to how students say AI is impacting their academic plans, 11 percent of students in a new Student Voice survey say the rise of AI has significantly influenced their career plans. An additional 31 percent say it’s influenced their career plans somewhat.

January 10, 2024Business News

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