PhD Students
Charity Lewis

Ph.D. Student
Office: MHC1304A
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Curriculum Vitae
Research Interests
Age-related hearing loss
Disparities in hearing healthcare utilization
Family caregiving
Religiosity/spirituality and healthcare decision making
2022 – Present: Ph.D. in Aging Studies, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
2020 – 2021: Master of Arts in Gerontology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
2015 – 2017: Bachelor of Arts in Communication Sciences & Disorders Concentration
in Deaf Studies, University of South, Florida, Tampa, FL
2012 – 2015: Associates of Arts in General Studies, Valencia College, Orlando, FL
Classes Taught
DEP2004: The Life Cycle
GEY3625: Sociological Aspects of Aging
Lewis, C. T., Jang, Y., Elayoubi, J., Sanchez, V. A., Arnold, M. L., Toman, J., & Haley, W. E.
(2024). Racial differences in discrepancies between subjective ratings and objective
assessments of hearing impairment. The Gerontologist. Accepted in-press.
Jang, Y., Park, J., Chung, S., Lewis, C., Haley, W.E., & Kim, M.T. (2024). The role of sensory impairment in cognitive health
appraisal: A study of older Korean Americans living in subsidized senior housing.
Journal of Aging and Health. Advance online publication.
Lewis, C. T., Toman, J., Sanchez, V. A., Corvin, J., & Arnold, M. L. (2024). Examining the relationship
between hearing health beliefs and social determinants of health in Black adults.
Ear & Hearing. Advance online publication.
Manuscripts in Preparation
Hamada, F., Lewis, C.T., & Peterson, L.J. Effectiveness of hearing aid use on social connectivity in older adults: A scoping review. Manuscript under review.
Lewis, C.T., Malak, S., & Toman, J. Racial disparities in loneliness and social isolation among older adults with hearing loss: Findings from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). Manuscript in preparation.
Lewis, C.T., Zhang, W., Reed, N.S., Sanchez, V.A., Arnold, M.L., & Haley, W.E. Dementia caregiving for persons with hearing loss: Findings from the National Study of Caregiving (NSOC). Manuscript in preparation.
2023-24 Recipient of the Wolowec Scholarship
2022-23 Recipient of the Kathryn Hyer Endowed Scholarship
2021-22 Co-Recipient of the Harold L. Sheppard Endowed Memorial Scholarship in Gerontology
2022 – Present: McKnight Doctoral Fellowship