PhD Students

Layla Santana

Layla Santana

Ph.D. Student
Office: MHC 1322
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Curriculum Vitae


Cognition, memory, dementia, non-invasive interventions, music therapy,  home care setting, caregiving, and social aspects impact aging.


2023-Present  Ph.D. in Aging Studies
University of South Florida, Tampa, United States of America

2017-2019 Graduate Certificate in Gerontology
Educational Development Institute (IDE) College, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

2009-2015 B.S. in Occupational Therapy,
Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

2012-2013 Undergraduate Exchange Program
Non-seeking degree student, Brock University, Psychology Department, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada 


(Manuscript under preparation) Santana, L. K. F. F. et al; “Does Social Activity Participation Moderate the Relationship between Age and Cognition? Evidence from a National Cross-Sectional Study of the Health and Retirement Study" (

Santana, L. K. F. F.; Castelo Branco, M. F. F.“Music: Tool for Occupational Therapeutic Intervention in Cognitive Rehabilitation with Older People with Memory Loss - A literature Review”, (In Portuguese), Revista FT, 26(114), 2022, available in 

Santana, L. K. F. F.; Castelo Branco, M. F. F. “Prevention of School Bullying in Childhood: Playing in the Playground from the Perspective of Occupational Therapy”, (In Portuguese), Revista Fisio & Terapia, 
26(114),2022, available in


Santana, L. K. F. F.; “100 Exercises for Cognitive Stimulation”, (In Portuguese). Jaboatão dos Guararapes: UICLAP, ISBN: 978-65-00-53035-3, 2022.

Santana, L. K. F. F.; “Exercises for Fine Coordination”, (In Portuguese). Jaboatão dos Guararapes: UICLAP,  ISBN: 978-65-00-53077-3, 2022.


Santana, L. K. F. F. et al;  " “Does Social Activity Participation Moderate the Relationship between Age and Cognition? Evidence from a National Cross-Sectional Study of the Health and Retirement Study" , 2024. Gerontological Society of America Conference,Seattle, Washigton,USA. (Poster)

Castelo Branco, M. F. F.; Chaves, L. C. B.; Santana, L. K. F. F. “Consumer Control as a Goal for Quality of Life”, (In Portuguese), 2016. International Conference of Physical Education,Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná,Brazil. (Talk and Scientific Conference Proceeding)

Santana, L. K. F. F.; Castelo Branco, M. F. F.; “Preventing School Bullying in Childhood During Recess and the Occupational Therapy Perspective”, (In Portuguese), 2015. International Conference of Physical Education,Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná,Brazil. (Talk and Scientific Conference Proceeding)

Oliveira,B.P.A.; Santos, J.C.M.; Silva,E.E.M.; Santana, L. K. F. F. ;“ Elderly people with Alzheimer's Disease and Occupational Therapy Intervention”, (In Portuguese). 2014. XXII Brain Symposium-“Neurosciences: The Brain from a Multifunctional Perspective”, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. (Poster)

Silva,E.E.M.; Melo,J.F.L.M.; Freitas, M.B.F ; Figueiredo,G.B.; Santana, L. K. F. F.; Costa,R.N.A.; Barata,M.F.O.; Santos, N.A.L.M.; “Occupational Therapeutics Guidelines for Families with Children with Cerebral Palsy”, (In Portuguese). 2014. III National Conference of Research in Occupational Therapy, João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil. (Poster)

Freitas, M.B.F ; Santana, L. K. F. F. ; Santos, A.A. ; Marcelino, J. F. Q. “A Case report of a Child Assisted in the Occupational Therapy pediatric Outpatient at Clinics Hospital”, (In Portuguese). 2014. III National Conference of Research in Occupational Therapy, João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil. (Poster)

Vasconcelos, A. C. S. E. ; Vasconcelos, V. I. B. ; Santana, L. K. F. F. ; Monteiro, R. J. S. “The role of Occupational Therapy in Neglected Diseases: Case Report in Hansen’s Disease”, (In Portuguese),2013. XIII Brazilian Conference of Occupational Therapy, Florianopolis, Santa Catarina,Brazil. (Talk and Scientific Conference Proceeding)

Araujo, E. S. ; Santana, L. K. F. F.; Santos, K. N. S.; Monteiro, R. J. S. ; Vasconcelos, A. C. S. ; Gontijo, D. T.“Gender,sexual and Reproductive Health: Reflections of an Occupational Therapy Experience”, (In Portuguese), p.177, 2012. IX North-East Occupational Therapy Conference, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil (Talk and Scientific Conference Proceeding).

Oliveira, A. S. ; Vasconcelos, A. C. S. ; Araujo, E. S.; Santana, L. K. F. F.; Rosas, M. A. “The Contribution of Occupational Therapy in the Penitentiary System in Pernambuco” (In Portuguese), p.145-146. 2012. IX North-East Occupational Therapy Conference, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. (Talk and Scientific Conference Proceeding)


Wolowec Scholarship, University of South Florida,USA -  04/2024

University Graduate Fellowship Award, University of South Florida, USA - 08/2023