PhD Students
Sridevi Unni Nair

Ph.D. Student
Office: MHC 1307A
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Research Interests
Interindividual differences in the manifestation of neurodegenerative diseases among older adults with a focus on developing personalized treatment strategies.
Present - Doctoral Student in Aging Studies at the University of South Florida, Florida,
2021- 2023 Masters in Applied Aging Science at the University of South Florida, Florida,
2005 – 2011 Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery at the University of Calicut,
Kerala, India
Awards and Achievements
Delores Auzenne Fellowship for the Ph.D. program from the University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida (2023)
Harold L. Sheppard Endowed Memorial Scholarship, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida (April, 2022)
Summer Research Fellowship in Gerontechnology program funded by the National Institute of Aging, Washington State University (June, 2017)
Conference Poster Presentations
Polejaeva, E., Unni, M. S., Tocci, C, Hromas, G.,Perlstein W. (2022). Ecological validity and attentional deficits following traumatic brain injury. Lewis L. Judd Young Investigators Research Symposium, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, CA.
Unni, M. S., Fellows, R. P., Wright, B. R. & Schmitter-Edgecombe, M. (2017). Influence of genetic variants in Cognitive ability. Gerontechnology Focused Summer Undergraduate Research Program, Washington State University, WA.