

Course Permit Request Form 

USF Tampa

If you would like to request permission to enroll in a restricted criminology course offered through USF Tampa Campus, please use this Course Permit Request form. Before submitting your request, please be aware of the following:

CCJ 4940 Internship has a separate permit request process. Please follow the steps listed in the Internship module of the CCJ Majors canvas course. This course is for USF Tampa CCJ majors only.

For CCJ 4900 Directed Readings and CCJ 4910 Directed Research, students must make arrangements and be approved by the faculty member before requesting the permit. Provide instructor information in the “Reason for requesting permit” section of the Permit Request Form.   

CCJ 4934 Senior Seminar is a criminology core course requiring a permit. 

  • Please note that you may be required to meet with an advisor if you haven’t met with one in 2 or more semesters prior to receiving the permit.

    • This permit does not give you access to full courses. For best chances of getting the course you want, request permit and register as soon as your registration opens.

    • If you are not in your very last semester you may be asked to wait until drop/add week before a permit is granted in an effort to give graduating seniors the opportunity to register.

    • You may only request a permit for one CRN/section of CCJ 4934 at a time. 

Transfer Course Evaluation 

The following describes university and department policies related to courses taken at other institutions. Please note typically, courses are evaluated in the following manner 1: USF Admissions level, 2. College level once the student declares their Major, 3. Department level with the respective Advisor if student believes additional requirements can be met with completed courses. The combined review process can take at least the duration of the students first semester. Below, you will find the process for evaluations at the Department level, specifically for Criminology course work within the above-mentioned evaluation process.

Course Equivalency

At USF, course equivalency is necessary for students who have to transfer upper level Criminology credit from an institution other than USF. In general, transfer credit for CCJ1010 or CCJ1020 from Florida State Community Colleges who follow the Common Course Coding Such as HCC and SPC will NOT need an evaluation since the course prefix and number has already been equated to USF’s CCJ 3024 Survey of CJ systems course. (If both CCJ 1010 and CCJ 1020 are taken, one will count for CCJ 3024 and the other will go towards general electives).

However, previous evaluations by institutions other than USF Criminology Department will not supersede our evaluations for all other upper level Criminology transfer credit. All Criminology transfer courses are evaluated by professional faculty. Students must initiate this process by submitting their request for an evaluation to the Criminology Department.

Submitting Your Request

Step 1: Locate a copy of the syllabus or course catalog information for your transfer Criminology course. If you do not have a copy, you can contact your previous school and request one.

Step 2: Scan or save your syllabus into a PDF file. Please scan all pages of the syllabus into one file. If you have more than one Criminology course for review, please scan each syllabus as a separate file.

Step 3: Name the PDF file the same name of the course. For example, if you are submitting a syllabus for CCJ 3000 Intro to Criminology name the PDF file CCJ 3000 Intro to Criminology.

Step 4: Attach a scanned copy of syllabus to be evaluated (If you have more than one syllabus, you may submit all syllabi in the same email) and E-mail your syllabus/syllabi with the following information to crimadvise@usf.edu.

  • E-mail Subject: Criminology Course Evaluation
  • In the body of the e-mail include all of the following information:Your name
    • Your U#
    • Name and state of each non-USF, out-of-state or private school
    • For each school, include a link to the online catalog information
    • For each school, include a list of course names/numbers of the Upper Level Criminology course(s) that you wish to have evaluated.

Step 5: Wait for an e-mail reply with the results of the evaluation. It is common for this process to take up to 2 weeks and sometimes longer. Please be patient. However, if you have not received a response after 4 weeks, please send a follow up e-mail to crimadvise@usf.edu. If your transfer course is approved, the college will receive a copy of the approval and will update your record to reflect the results. This can take up to 2 weeks (after the evaluation has been completed) to show on your Degree Works Audit.

For all other Undergraduate Program Forms, please click here. If you have any questions, please send an email to our Criminology Academic Advising Office