OLLI RECIPROCITYFor a limited time, OLLI at FIU and OLLI at USF are offering dual memberships. As
a member of OLLI-USF, you may now take classes at OLLI at FIU at their member rate.
Because we value your membership, we have partnered with OLLI at FIU to share classes. This will expand your course selection, introduce you to new instructors and content, and give you the opportunity to meet other OLLI members.
View OLLI at FIU's Fall A schedule here.
We also recognize other OLLIs' membership and generally waive our membership for OLLI members at OLLI at Eckerd College or elsewhere. The process works as described below for first time participants.
How to participate
- Contact Charise at 813-974-5848 to sign up (no additional cost to you).
- We notify OLLI at FIU that you are a member in good standing, and, OLLI at FIU will
create a partner membership for you at their institution.
- Then, call OLLI at FIU (Maggie at 305-919-5900) to register for all or most of their educational programming
at the OLLI at FIU member rate. With FIU, you need only register by phone the first
time you register. After that, you will be emailed a link to their online registration
- Items to note:
The only membership benefits you will receive from OLLI at FIU will be access to register for classes at their member rate. You will not be able to attend their member-only social activities unless you purchase a membership for their program.
All course fees will be paid directly to OLLI at FIU, and any cancellations, refunds, or missed classes will need to be addressed with them.
Courses registered through their program will be facilitated by OLLI at FIU. Any questions or concerns should be directed to them.
This opportunity may be canceled at any time.
Contact Charise Dixie at 813-974-5848 to get started.