University of South Florida

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Information and Resources

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Update from HR on Phase 1 (6/12)

Dear USF Community,

Earlier today, you received a message from President Currall providing additional details on USF’s plan to phase in a return to our campuses. Beginning Monday, June 15, 2020, the university will move into Phase I. In this phase, we will not be making any significant changes to how we have been operating since mid-March. 

The expectations of the campus environment for phases I and II are explained in President Currall’s message.

As a reminder, any critical staff who have already been working on campus may continue to do so during phase I; however, formalized plans will still need to be submitted that detail how the unit will implement health and safety prevention strategies. Units that have been performing critical functions need to submit a plan by Friday, June 26, but can continue working in the meantime. 

Any additional deans, department chairs and other unit leaders who feel it is necessary for some of their faculty or staff to return to campus in phase I or phase II and would like to make such a request should also use this process. The request form is available here.

As part of the phased return to our campuses, certain items, including hand sanitizer, face coverings and sanitization supplies are being provided by USF. For more information about what is available and how to request these items, please visit

USF will continue to follow established processes and work with those in our community with health conditions or personal circumstances that affect their ability to return to campus. If you have a medical condition or dependent care obligations that impact your ability to return to work, please contact for further assistance. For all other reasons, please contact your supervisor first to review available options. 

If you have any additional questions and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Employee Relations team at or your Regional HR Office. 

Thank you.

Division of Human Resources

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Coronavirus Updates

This is an evolving situation. Please refer to the most recent information presented.

USF students, faculty and staff: Please check your USF email frequently. Your email will be used to convey targeted information.

The University of South Florida continues to closely monitor the evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The health and safety of our students, faculty and staff is our highest priority as university leaders work closely with local, state and federal agencies to share the most updated information.