2020 News Stories
Doctoral student accepts faculty position at University of Wisconsin-Madison

Ashley L. White
College of Education doctoral student Ashley L. White has accepted a position as assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the Department of Rehabilitation Psychology & Special Education.
White, a doctoral student in the Exceptional Student Education program, is a recipient of the Special Education Policy Studies (SEPS) grant, a program at USF that prepares policy leaders in special education for roles as faculty members in special education and special education policy leadership at the local, state, or federal level. White is also the 2019 Joseph P. Kennedy Public Policy Fellow with the House Committee on Education and Labor under Chairman Bobby Scott (VA-3). She will graduate from USF this summer.
When asked about her recent accomplishment, White expressed her gratitude towards her dissertation committee members for their support throughout her academic journey: David Allsopp, PhD; Vonzell Agosto, PhD; David Hoppey, PhD (University of North Florida); and Jeannie Kleinhammer-Tramill, PhD.
“None of this would be possible without them,” White said.
Committed entirely to improving the lives of individuals with disabilities, the Department of Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education is known for their role in preparing exemplary leaders in the areas of inclusion and educational equity. The University of Wisconsin-Madison's Special Education program is ranked no. 6 nationally by U.S. News and World Report.
White's research interests throughout her doctoral studies focused on educational policy for individuals with disabilities. When she transitions into her new role in August, she says she plans to explore and build research centered on ethno-racial issues, disabilities and related policies.
“I will have the opportunity to grow a research agenda concentrated in anti-racism and justice through the lens of Special Education policy and disability policy at large,” White said. “It goes without saying that I am excited about this unique position, but I am also honored.”