2020 News Stories
College of Education students and faculty present research, win awards at NAPDS National Conference
TAMPA, Fla. (Feb. 21, 2020) — Numerous faculty members and students from the College of Education shared their research and innovations this month at the National Association for Professional Development Schools’ (NAPDS) National Conference.
The NAPDS National Conference brings together school and university partnerships from around the country and abroad to address the challenges faced while meeting the needs of the next generation of students, PK-12 educators, and university faculty.

Doctoral student Jennifer McCorvey receives the 2020 NAPDS Emerging Leader Award.
Doctoral student recognized with 2020 Emerging PDS Leader Award
College of Education doctoral student Jennifer McCorvey was honored with the 2020 Emerging Professional Development School (PDS) Leader Award at the NAPDS National Conference.
The award is presented annually to full-time student members of the organization who show promising leadership in the PDS movement. McCorvey is a doctoral student in the Department of Teaching and Learning.
USF Presentations at the NAPDS 2020 National Conference
A Network within a Network: How a Cohort of Educators Work to Collectively Enhance
Teacher Candidate and In-service Teacher Learning
Presenters: Amber McDonald, University of South Florida; Jennifer McCorvey, University
of South Florida; Jennifer Jacobs, PhD, University of South Florida; Rebecca West
Burns, PhD, University of South Florida; Madison Johnson, Pasco County Schools; Danielle
Briggs, Pasco County Schools
Building the Bridge Together: Re-imagining Our Roles to Connect University Classrooms
and Field Experiences
Presenters: Andrea Wilson, University of South Florida; Randi Latzke, PhD, University
of South Florida; Jennifer Perez, University of South Florida; Laura Edwards, Hillsborough
County Public Schools; Kasey Carney, University of South Florida
Clinically Based Teacher Education in Action: Cases from Professional Development
Presenters: Dr. Eva Garin, Bowie State University; Rebecca West Burns, University
of South Florida; Jennifer McCorvey, University of South Florida
Combating Challenging Behavior in the Elementary Classroom
Presenter: Taylor Bryan
How do three supervisors and methods instructors of preservice teachers collaborate
to implement activities to support equity and social justice in the teaching of our
elementary preservice teacher candidates?
Presenters: Nicholas Catania, PhD, University of South Florida; Amber MacDonald, University
of South Florida; Samantha Haraf, University of South Florida
Keeping it Relevant: Preparing and Learning from Teacher Leaders in an Urban Title
1 Elementary Professional Development School (PDS)
Presenters: David Allsopp, PhD, University of South Florida; Rebecca West Burns, PhD,
University of South Florida; Jennifer McCorvey, University of South Florida; Rebecca
Bowling, Hillsborough County Public Schools; Dana Clark, Hillsborough County Public
Schools; LaTiecea Brown, Hillsborough County Public Schools
Professional Development through a Partnership Lens: Teacher Candidates Lead the Learning
Presenter: Laura Sabella, PhD
Reach More, Teach More, Share the Knowledge
Presenters: Wendy Baker, University of South Florida; Audra Kondash, Hillsborough
County Public Schools; Susan Persbacker, Hillsborough County Public Schools
Teacher Leaders Making Change within a Network of Professional Development Schools
across Elementary, Middle, and High School Levels
Presenters: Jennifer Jacobs, PhD, University of South Florida; Jennifer Rinck, Pasco
County Public Schools; Rebecca West Burns, PhD, University of South Florida; Jennifer
McCorvey, University of South Florida
Thinking Outside the PDS: A School-University Partnership to Grow Novice Educators
through a Cultural Exchange in China
Presenters: Laura Sabella, PhD, University of South Florida; Danielle Biggs, Pasco
County Schools
Understanding Classroom Management, Behavior Systems, and Positive Relationships with
Students and Families Through Conscious Discipline
Presenter: Ryan Blew
Understanding the Power of Using Conscious Discipline in the Classroom, and How to
Implement These Practices on a Daily Basis to Provide a Positive Learning Environment
and Teach Vital Life Skills
Presenter: Cassidy Gormley
Using Data Collection Tools to Enhance University Supervisors’ Socially Just Teaching
Presenters: Jennifer McCorvey, University of South Florida; Jennifer Perez, University
of South Florida
Working Toward an Acceptance of Students with Exceptional Needs at the Elementary
School Level
Presenter: Katelyn Rosenblum
Working Toward Combining Multiple Sight Word Learning Strategies to Improve Kindergarten
Students’ Literacy Success
Presenter: Kasey Carney