Kappa Delta Pi, International Honor Society

Lambda Tau Chapter
Kappa Delta Pi (KDP), International Honor Society in Education, was founded in 1911 to foster excellence in education and promote fellowship among those dedicated to teaching. The Lambda Tau Chapter has been active at USF since 1968.
Membership Benefits
- Expand your leadership skills with volunteer opportunities.
- Improve your effectiveness with webinars on critical teaching topics.
- Submit articles and research for consideration for publishing and present at national conferences.
- Access free downloadable resources with hundreds of ideas, lesson plans, and links for various content areas and grade levels.
- Access KDP publications, including The Teacher Advocate, Kappa Delta Pi Record, and The Educational Forum.
- Offset education costs with scholarships for undergraduate, master’s, doctoral students and student teachers.
- Demonstrate your achievement with KDP stole or honor cords at graduation.
Explore additional membership benefits on the KDP website.
Eligibility Criteria
Undergraduate Student Requirements
- Be enrolled in the USF College of Education and have the intent to continue academically and professionally in the field of education.
- Demonstrate leadership attributes and commitment to equity.
- Have completed at least 18 credits of collegiate course work.
- Have at least 6 credit hours in education course work programmed, in progress, or completed.
- Demonstrate a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater or ranking in the upper 20 percent of the USF College of Education.
- Receive an invitation to membership from the Lambda Tau Chapter.
Graduate Student Requirements
- Have graduate standing in the USF College of Education and have the intent to continue academically and professionally in the field of education.
- Demonstrate leadership attributes and commitment to equity.
- Have completed at least 6 credit hours of graduate course work.
- Have at least 6 credit hours in education course work programmed, in progress, or completed.
- Demonstrate a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher for all graduate course work completed or ranking in the upper 18.75% of the USF College of Education.
Doctoral Student Requirements
- Be enrolled in the USF College of Education and have the intent to continue academically and professionally in the field of education.
- Demonstrate leadership attributes and commitment to equity.
- Show evidence of work toward a doctoral degree in education.
Follow the Lambda Tau Chapter on Social Media
For more information, please contact:
Ruthmae Sears, PhD
Faculty Advisor