New Online Training Course Helps Educators Study the Science of Reading

Fall 2021
This fall, the David C. Anchin Center launched a new online professional development course, titled “Understanding the Science of Reading: Implications for Explicit, Systematic, and Multisensory Literacy Instruction and Intervention.”
Designed for classroom teachers to explore the science of reading and developmental models of reading, this self-paced, online professional development course satisfies the Florida Department of Education’s 40-hour learning hours requirement in reading instruction.
The course, facilitated by USF faculty member Margaret Krause, PhD, provides a platform for practicing teachers to explore flexible and skillful use of developmentally appropriate instructional strategies for planning inclusive, responsive, and culturally relevant instruction for all students.
This class will be offered again from March 1 to April 9, 2022. To learn more and register, visit the course registration page.