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What eye-tracking research tells us about keeping student attention in the classroom
In a recently published research brief for the David C. Anchin Center for the Advancement of Teaching, College of Education Professor David Rosengrant explores the use of eye trackers to study student attention and how educators can use the insights from this research to maintain interest in the classroom.
June 14, 2022Centers and Institutes, Research, Resources for Educators

Registration now open for USF’s 2022 sessions of AP Summer Institute
As the world’s largest host site of the AP Summer Institute, USF’s AP Summer Institute, hosted by the David C. Anchin Center for the Advancement of Teaching, offers more than 30 different course subject areas and welcomes over 1,000 attendees each year to USF’s Tampa campus.
December 1, 2021Centers and Institutes, Resources for Educators

USF to host Pre-AP Summer Institute for teachers in summer 2022
USF's David C. Anchin Center for the Advancement of Teaching will serve as a host site for College Board’s Pre-Advanced Placement Summer Institute on June 13-17, 2022.
December 1, 2021Centers and Institutes, Resources for Educators

USF-hosted research journal publishes special issue on teaching, inquiry during COVID-19
The Journal of Practitioner Research, an open-access journal housed in the USF College of Education, published a special issue about the challenges and opportunities teachers are facing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
October 27, 2021Centers and Institutes, Research, Resources for Educators

What does it mean to be a teacher leader?
We sat down with USF faculty member Jennifer Jacobs to learn more about what it means to be a teacher leader and the difference these leaders can make in today’s schools.
October 26, 2021Academics, Resources for Educators

David C. Anchin Center online course provides teachers with best practices for virtual instruction
USF Instructor James Hatten and the David C. Anchin Center for the Advancement of Teaching launched a free, online professional development series titled, “Effective Online Teaching.”
August 24, 2020Centers and Institutes, Resources for Educators

Activities to keep your preschooler learning from home—tips from the USF Preschool for Creative Learning
Teachers from the USF Preschool for Creative Learning share ideas that offer activities for play with young children while supporting learning connections in a variety of content areas. These experiences allow for children to work together with family members and engage in discussion as they play.
May 6, 2020Resources for Educators

David C. Anchin Center launches free professional development series to help educators teach online
The David C. Anchin Center for the Advancement of Teaching has launched a new series of online professional development courses to help K-12 teachers learn best practices for effectively teaching online.
May 4, 2020Centers and Institutes, Resources for Educators

FCIT launches free online course series to support K-12 teachers through virtual instruction
The Florida Center for Instructional Technology, in partnership with USF Corporate Training and Professional Education, has launched the first in a series of fully-online professional development courses to help support K-12 teachers in virtual teaching environments.
April 23, 2020Centers and Institutes, Resources for Educators

How to meet the social, emotional needs of your child during COVID-19
USF School Psychology Instructor Kahlila Lawrence provides some strategies for how parents can best support their children socially and emotionally while the whole family is at home full-time.
April 3, 2020Resources for Educators

How parents can support their K-12 student in online learning
USF Instructional Technology Instructor James Hatten shares tips for parents who are currently learning how to best support their child’s success in a newly created online classroom.
April 3, 2020Resources for Educators

Tips for Parents: How to Talk to Your Child About COVID-19
USF Counselor Education Instructor Cynthia Topdemir shares strategies and resources for parents and educators to use while talking about the coronavirus with their children.
April 3, 2020Resources for Educators