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U.S. Department of Education awards USF researchers $8 million to enhance school-based mental health programs
Two separate projects led by faculty in the USF College of Education and College of Behavioral and Community Sciences are being funded by a combined $8 million from the U.S. Department of Education to address mental health in Tampa Bay K-12 students.
May 15, 2023Faculty and Staff, Research

Two College of Education faculty members awarded research grants from Institute of Education Sciences
Two faculty members from the University of South Florida (USF) College of Education received funding from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) to support multi-year research projects that will explore learning outcomes for Latino dual-language learners and multi-informant assessment solutions that improve mental health outcomes of middle school students.
July 16, 2021Faculty and Staff, Research

Educational Psychology faculty member receives Fulbright Award to Hungary
USF Associate Professor Darlene DeMarie, PhD, was awarded a Fulbright Scholar Award to Budapest, Hungary for the Fall 2019 semester.
May 29, 2019College of Education News, Faculty and Staff

USF researchers host panel discussion to discuss mental health well-being in schools
A panel of researchers from the USF College of Education discussed strategies and recommendations for how educators and families can promote social, emotional, and behavioral well-being in schools.
April 30, 2019Academics, College of Education News, Resources for Educators