Faculty Profiles
Dr. Yiping Lou
Associate Professor, instructional technology

Email: ylou@usf.edu
Office Location: USF Tampa campus, EDU 302-S
Phone: (813) 974-7886
Dr. Yiping Lou, Ph.D., teaches graduate courses in current trends of educational technology, computer-augmented instructional paradigms, and research on technology-based education. She earned her Ph.D. from Concordia University in Montreal, Canada.
Dr. Lou's research interests include: technology-supported collaborative learning, distance education, science inquiry, and research synthesis. She is currently PI and CO-PI on several state and National Science Foundation (NSF) grants, including MSP Science Inquiry Learning and Assessment (MSP S4i), Water Awareness Research Experiences for Teachers (WARE-RET) and Climate Change Narrative Game Education (CHANGE). Dr. Lou serves as the Coordinator of the Instructional Technology Program.