University of South Florida

College of Engineering

USF College of Engineering News

Yu Zhang, USF Engineering & CUTR Faculty Member, is making waves in Advanced Air Mobility!

Yu Zhang, Ph.D., a professor at USF’s Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Program Director of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) at the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR), is making waves in Advanced Air Mobility.  Professor Zhang’s research accomplishments and leadership services has positioned USF as a hub for pioneering research in integrating advanced air mobility into existing multimodal transportation systems.

headshot of yu zhang

Professor Zhang’s recent studies have explored innovative approaches, including integrated network design and demand estimation of urban air mobility, automated pre-departure flight planning of high density eVTOL operations, and simulation platform for system performance evaluation of AAM. These efforts have drawn international attention, showcasing how USF researchers are contributing solutions to modern transportation challenges.

city of st pete aam task force news image

Professor Zhang was invited to serve on the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) AAM Advisory Committee in November 2023. In February 2025, she was also invited to join the AAM Task Force for the City of St. Petersburg. These officially designated committees provide guidance and recommendations to public agencies, supporting regulatory and planning decisions for integrating this emerging mode of transportation.

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