Honors and Awards Council

The Honors and Awards Council (HAC) advises the Provost and the Senior Vice President for USF Health or their designees on matters regarding the provision of various academic honors and awards granted by the USF. HAC is responsible for conveying to the Faculty Senate, the Provost and President the names it recommends to receive various academic honors and awards granted by or through the University of South Florida.
The Council will receive and evaluate nominations which normally originate from the university community.
These include:
- Theodore Askounes Ashford Distinguished Scholar Award
- Distinguished Service Award
- Excellence in Research Award (Pre-tenure and Tenured)
- Honorary Degree
- Kosove Distinguished Teaching and Service Award (Graduate and Undergraduate)
- Jerome Krivanek Distinguished Teacher Award
For the 2024-2025 AY :
Completed notification of nomination forms should be submitted to the Faculty Senate Office ( by 5:00 p.m. on December 6, 2024.
Nomination packets for all awards must be submitted in a single PDF to the Faculty Senate Office ( by 5:00 p.m. on January 17, 2025.
Other honors and awards that may be established in the future and granted to members of the university community.
Award recipients are honored annually at the USF Faculty Honors & Awards Ceremony, hosted by the Office of the Provost. This year's event is on Tuesday, April 15, 2025, from 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. in the MSC Ballroom. Honorary Degrees are awarded at Commencement.
A list of past award winners can be found here.
meeting schedule 2024-2025
- September 9 at 9 AM: Election of Chair and Chair-Elect
- October 28 at 12:30 PM: Introductory Meeting
- Week of Feb. 10: Review Applications (F 2/14/25 at 8-10 AM)
- Week of Feb. 24: Review Applications (M 2/24/25 at 2-4 PM)
- Week of March 10: Review Applications (T 3/11/25 at 3-4 PM)