Know which type of program you plan to attend (direct, exchange, affiliate or non-affiliate).
Meet with an Education Abroad advisor to confirm your program type.
Meet with a financial aid advisor to discuss your financial aid options. If you choose
to participate in a non-affiliate program, USF will not process any financial aid, including loans, and you must find another
source if you need assistance.
If your study abroad program is an exchange or affiliate program
A financial aid study abroad contract is required
The host school must complete the Study Abroad Enrollment Verification (OVRxx) after
classes begin. Financial aid cannot be paid until this initial requirement has been
met. The Study Abroad Enrollment Verification (OVRxx) can be uploaded in Student Self-Service
or emailed to
Your classes must match those approved by your USF academic advisor on your financial
aid study abroad contract
Request your official transcripts to be sent to the USF Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
Your next term financial aid will be held if your classes and grades are not on your
academic records by the tenth week of classes.
Direct programs have no additional requirements
Sign up for e-Deposit in Student Self-Service to easily access your funds after your enrollment is confirmed
Plan ahead to pay all required expenses before your financial aid pays.