The online Disaster Management Graduate Certificate is a self-supporting program. A cost comparison of tuition and fees can be found here.
Please note: With the exception of the Department of Children and Family (DCF) waivers, all other waivers (including State of Florida and USF employee) are not accepted for Self-Funded/Self-Supporting or Market Rate Tuition program courses. For additional information, visit: USF Tuition Waiver.
The Graduate Certificate in Disaster Management is designed to enhance the knowledge base of public health professionals, as well as other disaster management personnel, in the management, preparedness, response, and recovery from natural and man‐made disasters. The design of the Certificate engages the student in critical thinking skills that enable them to reduce the health complexities of disasters. The Certificate is also designed to increase the managerial and leadership skills of public health professionals working with large populations after a disaster (i.e., refugee and displaced populations).