USF Health is pleased to announce the nomination of Amy Mentel for a USF Health Culture
Coin in recognition of her outstanding contributions and unwavering support to the
Finance and Accounting (F & A) team. Amy has exemplified the core values of collaboration,
competence, and dedication, making her an asset to the organization.
“I frequently rely on Amy for anything F & A related, regardless if it is her area
of responsibility. If she is not able to help, she will point us in the right direction,”
said Betsy Willard, who nominated Amy for the Culture Coin.
In instances when her colleagues were unavailable for extended periods, Amy has willingly
stepped in to manage purchase orders (POs) for Clinical Affairs, demonstrating her
versatility and commitment to the smooth operation of USF Health’s administrative
functions. Her proactive approach and willingness to take on additional responsibilities
reflect her commitment to the organization's mission and values.

From left: Melody Maczko, Amy Mentel, and Steve Omli
Melody Maczko, senior director for USF Health Finance & Accounting, and Steve Omli,
associate vice president and CFO for USF Health, presented Mentel with a Culture Coin
on June 7th.
“Amy's support and willingness to assist in any capacity have been instrumental in
our department's success,” Maczko said.
Photos and story by Ryan Rossy, USF Health Communications