University of South Florida

Health News

Construction worker in a Confined Space.

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Mind the Gap: Ladder Safety Tips for Confined Workspaces

Safety is paramount in any work environment. Unfortunately, incidents can occur due to oversight or negligence. Let’s examine two specific hazards and their corresponding corrective actions.

  1. Confined Space Entry:
    An employee broke the plane in a confined space without determining whether it required a permit. Additionally, no competent person was present or consulted.
    • Applicable Standard: According to 1926.1203(a), before commencing work at a site, employers must ensure that a competent person identifies all confined spaces where employees may work. This includes evaluating elements of the space and conducting necessary tests.
    • Consequences: The risks include sprains, strains, fractures, lacerations, contusions, concussions, and even death due to falling into the space by slipping off the ladder or having the ladder or piece of wood structurally fail. Other injuries could result from an unsafe environment within the confined space, such as oxygen deficiency.
    • Corrective Actions:
      • Remove the employee from the ladder and the confined space immediately.
      • Train all personnel on ladder safety and the importance of consulting a competent person before entering confined spaces.
      • Clearly identify all confined spaces on-site for employees’ awareness.
      • Implement measures (such as flagging) to prevent unauthorized entry into confined spaces.
  2. Ladder Misuse:
    A 2x4 piece of wood held a ladder in place, supporting the weight of an employee as another stabilized the ladder from above. 
    • Applicable Standard: Per 1926.1053(b)(4), ladders shall be used only for their intended purpose.
    • Consequence: Structural failure of the ladder or the wooden support could result in serious injuries.
    • Corrective Actions:
      • Replace the makeshift support with a proper ladder stabilizer.
      • Educate all workers on ladder safety and proper usage.

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USF Health News highlights the great work of the faculty, staff and students across the four health colleges – Morsani College of Medicine, College of Public Health, College of Nursing and Taneja College of Pharmacy – and the multispecialty physicians group. USF Health, an integral part of the University of South Florida, integrates research, education and health care to reach our shared value - making life better.