At the end of the interview informally summarize what the applicant has discussed about his/her background, qualifications, reasons
for wanting the job, strengths and weaknesses. This gives the applicant an opportunity
to add new information or clarify miscommunications.
Ask if the applicant has any questions about the workplace or the position and let him or her know what to expect next, such as follow-up interviews.
Invite the applicant to phone you if he/she has any additional questions and thank him or her for taking time to interview
with your department.
Leave the applicant with an up-beat, positive last impression of the department.
Make the applicant aware of the selection timeline going forward (second interviews, how s/he will be informed of the outcome of the interview).
Follow up with every person interviewed to let them know their status for the position. If the person was interviewed, follow
up personally by telephone and/or email.